but the first thing that came to my mind was:
' I'm not young anymore. OMG, i'm gonna hit the big 2 this year!'o.O
Nostalgia filled my mind.
Still rmb the day i was taking my results.
Had a sleepover at Val house the night before and on the morning itself, we were so nervous that we drank red wine to calm our nerves.
And when i received my results, i cried.
But it was stupid, coz i saw the wrong number.
I thought the number of subjects at the bottom of the slip was my L1R5, it was only till later did i realize that my result was in the envelope.
Lucky for me, my number of subjects = L1R5.
LOL! How dumb was i?
I cried tears of joy and it was my first and last time for a national exam.
O levels was easily my best result of all, much much better than PSLE or As.
The sad thing about SG edu is, it's focused much more on the results than the learning process.
Often when i look back and ask myself what i've gained from secondary and post-sec education, all i can rmb is mugging hard for exams.
Rote-learning, that's what they call it.
I had no idea WHY and HOW the knowledge came about, WHY i should study it and it's importance.
However, i believe there's no perfect education system.
Like what my father strongly believes in, SG's edu system is a fair assessment.
Resources are scarce for the growing population and the only way to allocate such scarce resources is through examination assessments.
'Survival of the Strongest' as what they say.
Good results = more opportunities = better career = higher pay = better living standards.
To those who did not score well,
I don't exactly understand your despair, because i've never been through that situation.
The only thing i can do is sympathize with you.
I'm not going to offer some over-rated condolences and cheer up msgs, because the truth is, your results matter, esp in SG.
However, one thing that i do agree with is it's not the end of the world.
There are always choices and solutions, no matter how bleak a situation is.
Retake Os($), private diploma($$), studying overseas($$$) ($$ in increasing order).
Is SG meritocratic?
No. The $$ that your parents have determines your opportunities to a certain extent as well.
But it's as meritocratic as it can be, however unfair as it seems.
Life's unfair the moment you were born.
As long as there are winners, there will be losers.
Maybe you are at the losing end now, but that does not necessary mean you will be always.
And that, is determined by your actions from now onwards.
Os in the past, your life awaits ahead.