
Thursday, November 24, 2005

Val changed her blogskin...
quite cool...

thought of typing before i go overseas...
n updating too...
my blog is deserted...
i type for myself...

actually supposed to go bxt house to do the project thingy...
she backed out at the last minute...
n wif a REASON...
me n val went jurong entertainment to eat lunch...
go library...
spent a long time there...
n val got sooo sian tat she started to do ABNORMAL things...
n i mean ABNORMAL...
for eg...
she asked me to look at her...
i looked ...
n she started turning around...
after turning for a full circle...
she asked me y i never laughed...
i asked her y i should laugh....
anything to laughe bout meh??
n she burst out laughing...
i thought she's mad...
so we left...

went to IMM...
but muz SWEAR to bring val to the bus stop...
went there go giant shop...
bought quite alot of things...
then when we bout to reach the bus stop...
juz crossing the road when i saw a sign saying tat's boon lay road...
i asked val whether tat's called boon lay road...
n she started...
god noes...i noe...
except for him...he dun noe...bla bla bla...
all the way to the bus stop!!
can u believe it??
i juz asked her a SIMPLE thing...
n she started reciting??
coz us to laugh for sooo long n hard...

went to my mum's fren shop today...
bought alot of clothes...
but all the way at ang mo kio there...
took soo long to reach...

c ya...

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