
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

for NJCOGZ'09 SYF IP and JC team.

You noe, i think today is gonna be rmbered as one of my most memorable day.
Even though it was not my first syf,
those butterfly in stomach moments when waiting at backstage for our turn , overwhleming sense of disappointment at our messed up zhan tai feng, overwhelming sense of achievement when we played fei tian with so much emotions and heart-stopping moments when the mc announced our results.
I will never forget them.

we cheered louder and seemed to be happier that IP received gold instead of us.
I guess in everyone's heart, there was still a teeny weeny hope that we'll get that gold with honors.
Even though reality crashed it,
and we made a lot of small mistakes that summed up to one huge mistake,
i believe all of us enjoyed ourselves during that 10 mins on stage.

My last syf,

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