
Friday, August 7, 2009

Movie Marathon!

NDC in sch today!
Followed by movie marathon with Bok and Hilda.

Well, NDC was like... NDC.
It was rather boring in fact.
But still, credit must be given for the councillors for at least trying.

We rushed for the 10.40am G.I JOE movie slot after celebration.
And i must say, G.I JOE was totally COOL!
Just look at the movie poster.

It was action packed and the visual effects were amazing.
Top all those with hot channing tatum.
And i think most prob, there will be a sequel.

After G.I JOE, we went kobayashi for lunch.
I was starving.
We went to heerens after that.
And it started raining when we were waiting for the traffic light.
Once the light turned green, we 3 ran like mad.
It was freaking funny!!!!

Next movie is UP!

This was completely different from G.I JOE.
It was funny and super touching.
I teared. T.T

Overall, the moral of the story is about learning to let go.
Carl, the old protagonist, was not willing to let go of his wife and the house they shared wonderful memories with.
But at the end, with a msg from his wife' Thanks for the adventure, now go look for your new adventure.'
He realised it was just a house and let it go.
The love between carl and eileen, the quirky adventure russel and carl shared, all this makes the movie so much more unforgettable.
Strongly recommended!!!!

Like my life story,
It's never too late to start over,
as long as you have the heart to do it.

Though its a long weekend,
its gonna be packed with PW and mugging.

I'm gonna work hard and study, study, study!!!!
Cross my heart.


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