
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

C'est la Vie.

Haven't posted in a looong time.
Having finals now, 3 papers down, 1 more to go.

No idea why, had a sudden urge to blog a moment ago.
Perhaps, i miss putting my thoughts into words.
Honestly, it's been so long. I have no idea where to begin.

University life has not been a breeze, far from it.
Never knew how tough it could be, even worse with a lack of friends.
Acquaintances? Many. Friends? None.
Syllabus, tough as hell.
Wonder why did i even choose some of the modules.

Have not been feeling well for the past few months.
Sick, countless doctors.
Sometimes, i wonder how worst life can get.

I miss my family. T.T
All of them are back in China currently while i'm home alone.
I never knew how lucky i was to have a family near me, till they left.
Love my family, to bits and pieces. <3
Luckily, i'll be joining them soon!
Flying back next Fri, it's my first time flying alone!
Even though i've went overseas without parents for a few times since i was 14,
this is the first time i'm really flying by myself.
Quite excited and scared at the same time. HAHA

Have been really stressed out by finals, don't think i'm gonna do well.
Irritatingly, i think stress is affecting my sleep.
Have been waking up at superb ungodly hours, today was the ultimate - i woke up at 5am.
Anyway, what's done have been done.
I'm left with 2 more EU essays next Tues and my 1st semester at NUS is officially completed!

I'm so glad i survived.
Halfway through the semester, i've seriously contemplated quitting sch.
Things were especially hard for me and i was skipping lectures like crazy.
There were 2 wks where i attended school for less than 5 days in total.
Only went to school during days there was tutorial.
My results and assignments were lagging behind as a result, think my GPA is gonna be quite low. T.T

Shall stop whining here. HAHA
One good thing: I did exceptionally well for my last French test! :)
I thought it was extremely hard and i did it at an ungodly hour of 6pm after a long day at school.

Ending here with this quote that i found so true:
Reality of fear: You’re not scared of the dark; you’re scared of what’s in it. You’re not afraid of heights; you’re afraid of falling. You’re not afraid of the people around you; you’re afraid of rejection. You’re not afraid to love; you’re just afraid of not being loved back. You’re not afraid to let go; you’re just afraid of accepting the fact it’s gone. You’re not afraid to let go; you’re afraid of getting hurt for the same reason.

Au revoir! <3

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