
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Short post!

I feel like i'm neglecting this space. LOL!
Am hooked on Tumblr! Not saying this little blog of mine is not good, but tumblr is so much more interactive.
I love quotes and pics and i can just continuously scroll down my dash to find fantastic reblogs.

But, this blog will forever be a secret haven of mine.
I've had it since i was 13 years old and most of my inner deep secrets are recorded here.
Esp during my JC days.
From time to time, i'll look through my archives and find a different me.

Sometimes, i feel sad. Coz most of my JC peeps, i no longer keep in contact with them.
Alas, i'm a bit used to it too. Tons of people have walked into my life and then walked straight out.
I'm practically living this type of life nowadays - diff people in diff modules.
I guess, that's why people have more worries and are generally less happy as they grow older.
It's because they become lonelier.

This blogpost is going nowhere. I'm just randomly stating whatever comes to my mind. LOL!

Anw, this past few days have been quite an accomplishment for me!
I finished a 2500 words Pol Sci essay in 2 days! Not counting the week of research i did before.
Also, i've finished posting on my HY1101 Forum! Finally, no more forum posts for me! :)
Now, all that's left is another 1500 HY2232 essay due this Friday and my GEK presentation nxt wk!
Then it will be finals in less than a month time...
Not looking forward to finals but..... 3 months break after that!!!
Did i mention this? I'm going to JAPAN in JULY! JJ<3
This 3 months break is gonna be the best EVER.
ShangHai in May, Japan in July.
Life's Good! :)

Little things in life, thats what makes me happy. :)

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