
Monday, December 31, 2012

Goodbye 2012, Hello 2013

Last day of 2012 and Singapore is raining continuously.
What a bummer.
But i have no plans for today too! Hehe
Hate crowded count down parties and overpriced everywhere for the next 2 days.
I'll rather spend the days at home. 

As i grow older, years pass by faster.
2012 seemed to have zoomed past and honestly, i can't really recall what happened.
My memory is deteriorating :(

2013, i'll be 21 years old. The Big 21.
Multiple decisions i'll be making, such as citizenship and of course, SEP.
I've applied for student exchange programme the past semester and have successfully obtained a school too!
I'll be going to New ZeaLand! :D
Excited and yet, nervous at the same time.
It'll be the first time i'll be overseas on my own, and for such a long time, about half a year.

Year 2 Semester 1 was the sem i slogged the most.
And the results did not fail me! ^^
I was really pleased with my results when the SMS came:

Hy2206 - A
HY2237 - A
SSA2211 - A
SW2104 - A-
Hy3256 - B+

Totally didn't expect that 2 As for my lvl 2 History mods.
Still had a stomach ache on both days, right before my final papers! >.<
And the lvl 3 mod that i expected an A-, i got a B+.
Wonder how the bell curve works at times. I had an A- for 70% of that mod!
It must have been really competitive i guess. Or my class participation was really REALLY bad. =/

This blogging thing seems to have failed me.
Often, i have no idea what to write.
Or perhaps, i've grown lazy.
Yeap, think that's the main reason. =/

Oh well, i'm not bothering to make any new year resolution or anything.
I'll take things as they come. :D

But, here's to all humans who survived the supposed 2012 apocalypse!
Onwards 2013, to a wonderful new year! :D

Read through last years end of year post.
And i realised i'm still the same one year on.
Nth's changed. I'm still lost and spinning, with no end goal in mind.
Is this good or bad?

What have i achieved?

I started teaching tuition.
Went Japan for the first time.
Made some new friends in Uni.
And i believe i've repaired a friendship. :D

It's tough to remain in contact with people, even with modern social network conveniences.
Honestly, i seldom use them, because i find it so fake and meaningless.
There's a reason why some people doesn't make it into your future.
And some people are just meant to be passer bys in your life.

Life can be summed up in 3 words: It goes on.

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