
Thursday, November 12, 2020

Extracting Wisdom

This is the longest break I have had since 2020 started - 5 days MC this week woohooo!~
Courtesy to my wisdom teeth extraction surgery.  
It was kinda scary, but I must say my dentist did a great job as I didn't feel any pain after the anaesthesia wore off. 

What have I been doing the past few days?
Honestly, 2020 has been all about work for me and the most ironic thing is, I'm not getting bonus this year for all the work I've done... 
But life is difficult for everyone this year and I am so blessed that my family has not been affected much by the pandemic.
In fact, I would say we even became closer >.< 
Nowadays, I enjoy talking and spending time with my dad for a few hours in the evening.

I've also not spent so much time at home since god knows when hahaha
Now I am such a homebody, something I never imagined I would become, just like many other things and thoughts that have changed over the past few months. 

2020 has been such a major roller coaster, in every possible aspect.
I hope 2021 will be a much better year, for everyone. 


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