
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A.I : Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence
Personally, it's one of my favourite movies of all time.
I've watched it 3 times and it never fails to make me tear every single time.
The first time i watched it, i cried for 30 mins after the movie ended.
A tad too dramatic but i was super emotional and touched by David's love for her Mum, monica.

The story is set in the future, when the world is flooded due to the dire consequences of global warming.
Humanity was drastically reduced and technology was at its peak with Artificial Intelligence aka robots (Mechas) being mass produced.
David is the main character, a Mecha boy produced that is able to love humans and he was sent as an experimental prototype to Monica and Henry, whom have a son, Martin, that was in a coma and have low hopes of ever recovering.

The climax of the whole movie came about when Martin recovered and a serious of unfortunate events arise that forced Monica to come to a decision to abandon David.
David thus went on an adventure to find the 'Blue Fairy' from Pinocchio as he believed Monica abandoned him because he was not real.
The Blue Fairy would be able to make him real, just like pinocchio and then, his mum will love him again.

Of course, the blue fairy does not exist.
He found the blue fairy eventually [ a statue underwater, seemed to be disneyland ]
and pleaded with her to turn him into a real boy...
and so, he pleaded for 2000 years.
Mechas were the only beings left and some of them granted him his wish by trying to regenerate his mom using a lock of hair from Monica.
However, it failed and Monica was only able to live for 1 day.
That day, was the best day of David's life.

I always end up crying at the last part of the movie.
Where David spent one whole day with his mum.
He spent his whole life trying to find someone that doesn't exist to make something impossible happen, David can never become a real boy.
Monica love him, but she just don't know how to love a Mecha.
Honestly, anyone in the same situation as her will choose her own son, a real person, over a Mecha.
How can you love someone that's a robot, even if he looked so real?

' That was the everlasting moment he had been waiting for. And the moment had passed, for Monica was sound asleep. More than merely asleep. Should he shake her she would never rouse. So David went to sleep too. And for the first time in his life, he went to that place where dreams are born. '
- A.I

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