
Friday, June 25, 2010


Ok, so SEA is over!
3 more papers to go!

Need to wake up at 6am for the next 2 days to mug my ass off for IH, maths and Chem.
On a brighter note, i think i should blog about happier stuff.
Like things that actually happen in my life instead of emo stuffs.

So today, after our SEA paper, which i didn't finish AGAIN,
me and Hilda went to Makan at Cafe Cartel at IMM.
2nd time me and Hilda went there!
I think it's super worthwhile to eat with Hilda, coz she's super aunty.

Cafe cartel have this 'free flow of bread' policy and Hilda ALWAYS makes sure she exploits it to her best capabilities.
I remember the first time we went, we only ordered one full set with free flow of bread, but we took 2 full baskets.
Hilda said that was the true definition of 'free flow'.
we were the only 2 doing that.

Anw, they have this magazine section and today, i took one of the 'Teenage' magazine and the both of us were reading it over lunch.
Well, at least i was, and i was really reading it out loud to her.
There was this aunt agony section and, not meant to be rude, both of us were laughing over some articles.
Ok, maybe we were judging them through their problems.
But admit it, i bet everyone thought some other's problem were insignificant, until that happens to you yourself, that is.

It just seems funny to me, how naive some of those people were.
They are still so young, (some were at age 13??!!) and they were contemplating suicide and cutting themselves.
One of them couldn't handle the stress of PSLE.
I mean, seriously?
I bet A levels is 10x worse than PSLE.

I admit that the stress and pressure on children/students are building up,
and i am lucky to not have parents adding on to my pressures,
但是, 现代的年轻一族也未免太懦弱了吧。

Of course, this is also a self-reminder, that i'm blessed and i need to be stronger!
Don't hide away from problems, confront them.
That's gonna be my goal!!!

After the meal, we were literally mobbed by 'fans'.
Obviously not fans of us, but fans of Be3t, that Korean pop group.
And i was wondering why there were sooooooo many teenagers at IMM today.
They practically filled the whole of IMM, inner and outer.
Security guards were everywhere!
The power of Fans, something i've only seen on shows, i experienced it today.

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