The pho is still as nice, but the 2 of us and our relationship is no longer the same.
The first time we ate at the pho store, with the 2 of us getting to know each other.
Now, we know everything about each other, but we are no longer together.
Many times, others ask why don't we just get back together?
Since we are meeting so often and we enjoy each other's company.
I wonder too, many times.
Sometimes I wonder if I just take that extra step, is there a chance?
Other times, I enjoy our current now too much, that I don't want to break it.
I know things ended for a reason.
Just that once in the middle of laughters and acts of kindness from you, I think about how I once had a gem, how we once had a gem and it ended.
It ended. That's all I should remember.
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