
Friday, June 10, 2016

Sick x 2

So... I only worked 1 day for this week.
Because, I was sick and had 4 days MC at one go LOL
That is like the average for CDG per year and I cleared it at one go.
#weakgirl HAHAHA

I think it is a premonition or a curse.
Before I entered my current company, I also had a high fever.
And now, another bout of high fever and flu out of nowhere.
It must be something in the air ~~~ hmm or maybe a sign hahaha

I have been sleeping so much this past few days and spending so much time at home,
it feels like a throwback to uni days and I kind of miss it.
Except during uni days I will be rushing assignments or readings most of the time at home.
I brought my work laptop home, intending to clear some work.
BUT my vpn refuses to connect zzzz
meaning I don't have access to my outlook or anything = useless.

So, i'm up and thinking of what I should do with my life.
LOL such luxury of time when actually I have tons of work to follow-up on.


Sometimes things fade out not by the lack of action but by too much desire to make something work.
And maybe that's how the situation is now.
Somehow, things have been slowly changing this past 2 weeks, or maybe even earlier.
Not sure if it is a good thing or bad thing, but I am strangely quite at peace with the whole situation.
Haha maybe it is a self-fulfilling prophecy driving itself, or maybe things are meant to be this way.
Who knows?

Time, time will tell.

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