(On flight to Osaka)
Dear Diary
Today, I feel liberated and at peace.
And I want to remember this moment.
This past few months has been a period of growth - individual growth and I can proudly say: I love myself.
They always say be yourself, but in order to be yourself, you must know who you are.
And the answer to that, perhaps is not that complex after all.
You just have accept yourself fully - the past you, the current you and the you to be.The past you, is not the person you are now.
The current you, will not be you in future as life and the people you meet will change and mould you.
And the person you are yet to be, is within your control to shape.
You have to visualise the person you want to be and move towards it.
And I am at peace, because I know I am moving towards it.
Who do I want to be?
I want to be a kind, compassionate, gracious and forgiving person. I may get lost along the way, as circumstances and people hurts me and makes me bitter. But, I have faith I will heal. Because the power lies in me, I give myself permission to heal.
I want to be a courageous person, one who knows when to say no. You can say no to others and be kind as well - because self-love is necessary for giving more love to others.
I want to be a person who dares to take chances. Who'll rather take the risk of being vulnerable then be afraid to try.
I want to make decisions from a position of love, rather than fear.
And even if other refutes me, it's ok.
Because, the only validation I need, is from myself.I am my own best friend - thank you Zhong, for staying soft and kind.
It's all a process & journey of self-discovery. In the midst you may fall and feel disheartened but it will be ok.
You know why?
Because I will always have your back.