
Wednesday, May 27, 2020

28 in CB

Happy 28th Birthday to me! 
This year is special, because it's spent in Circuit Breaker mode...
Normally, I will be either overseas or in staycations but this year.
I had zero expectations, and it totally exceeded everything. 
I am very very thankful to every single person who wished me Happy Birthday
And amazed by the C.S.I skills some of my friends have in finding out my home address and sending the following sweets:

Thanks for the Bloombox flowers and Muyoo BBTs from Kit 
4 jars of Grin Affair cakes from my fav 'mean girls' in office - Shuzhen and Ginny.. without those girls life in my office would have been very bland...
Thanks for adding so much joy for the past 2.5 years :)

And my sweetest HDB girls Cheryl BB and Rachel BB
They are the real legendary CSIs, I teared when seeing their Bud Box and Luna cakes omg

And another 2 CSIs experts - Caitlin and YMM
So thankful for these girls for brightening my days in the office #loveu4eva

And 大坏蛋 Hui Juan also somehow managed to find my address and send YOLE over
Thank you 

And a big thank you to Darius as well...
Someone delivered my fav chai latte and carrot cake over but didn't leave a note or name
omg then I was kinda frustrated and even called SB to try finding out who it is
Actually I guessed it could have been him as not many people know what drink I like, but then it's kinda odd to assume so I left it be...
Turns out it was really him. 
Thank you ^^

Thank you to my family, bff Val and everyone who wished me happy birthday today too~
Special thanks to my DAD, I will be nothing without you
I'm blessed because of all of you

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